TheBrief history of LINUX
The brief history of LINUX In Finland, a student studying in the university of Helsinki named as Linus Torvalds . At that time , the students & people are used the operating system called UNIX. And the students are used an version of UNIX called MINIX . The MINIX was developed by the prof.Andrew.S.Tannenbaum. Mr .Linus studied the MINIX and he got attracted by the elegance and effectiveness of its parent UNIX. The UNIX was created by the Ken Thompson. The Linus was decided to develop an effective pc version of UNIX for the MINIX users. And he developed an version that was named as LINUX (his first name and the last letter of UNIX ).and he released a version 0.11 in the year 1991.s LINUX was widely distributed by the internet. The LINUX was attracted by everyone and the programmers are refined the new operating system , LINU...